ARKAN | أركان – Program for Arab Leadership
A new generation is blossoming in the Arab communities of Israel — a generation that does not accept the existing reality, is unsatisfied with the current leadership, and aspires to bring about a new future. This is a generation that identifies as both Arab-Palestinian and Israeli. They see their future here in Israel, and they are looking to build new alliances, both within Arab society and with the Jewish society, from a position of strength and a sense of stakeholdership in Israeli society.
The ARKAN Program for Arab Leadership
The ARKAN (أركان) Program for Arab Leadership strengthens, organizes, and platforms the Arab voice that strives to build the principles, values, and content of shared citizenship in Israel. The program brings participants on a journey into Israeli society as a whole, driven by a desire to realize a shared future in Israel, and fosters a new Arab civil discourse with the power to reshape not only Arab society but Israeli society as a whole.
The program cultivates young leaders of a new type, who think differently and adapt to the changes and innovations that have taken place in recent years within Israeli society, and in particular its Arab communities. These leaders learn to accommodate complexity and conduct dialogue both within the various components of Arab society but also with all of the many components of Jewish society. As a leadership development program, ARKAN is unique in that it is led by an Arab staff and conducted in Arabic.
The program’s participants come from municipal leadership, business, civil society, media, education, and academia, and they are fully representative of the diversity that exists within Arab society in Israel. All seek to expand their partnership with Jewish society out of a commitment to building a shared future for all.
Program Leaders