DAYBREAK – Emergency Grants for Israeli Resilience

We are currently in the midst of an exciting new round of grant allocations. At the same time we are thrilled to be building DAYBREAK into a longer-term social entrepreneurship program. Join us in this impactful journey!
Launched immediately in the wake of the October 7th attacks, the DAYBREAK emergency grant program has rapidly provided critical financial support to the crucial social initiatives that sprouted across the country and across lines of difference to meet the unprecedented needs and challenges.
But despite the grief and the pain, the fear and the trauma, all of us have been called to action. Israelis of all stripes – religious and secular, liberal and conservative, Jewish and Arab – despite our seemingly insurmountable disagreements, have come together to respond to this crisis. We see a flourishing social entrepreneurial spirit, mutual commitment, and inspiring creative solutions.
“The fabric of Israeli society has perhaps frayed, but with good work and kind hearts, it can be painstakingly rewoven together.”
– Dr. Eilon Schwartz –

DAYBREAK projects have already touched the lives of 2,450,000 Israelis. They have cooked tens of thousands of hot meals for those who needed them. They have cleaned homes and laundered clothes and showered soldiers and refurbished shelters. They have comforted the many mourners and embraced the many frightened children. They have launched apps. They have treated the victims of sexual assault.
DAYBREAK Project Catalog
2,171 applications received
184 projects supported
$1,345,000 allocated to projects
200 donors to DAYBREAK
53,000 volunteers engaged
2,450,000 people served
Presidential Greeting
We are appreciative beyond measure for their accomplishments and for their promise. As President of Israel Isaac Herzog astutely said in a recorded message to DAYBREAK, their devotion “serves as a tangible, comforting, and poignant reminder of the beautiful and compassionate essence of Israeli society, of the living cohesion between us, which stands as the basis of our ability for revival as a nation and as a society.”
The Partnership
DAYBREAK is a partnership of the Fund for New Leadership and the Shaharit Institute in memory of Shaharit Board Chair Moshe Ohayon z”l, who was murdered alongside his son Eliad z”l by Hamas on October 7th.